
Author: P. Vasiliev
Directed by: P. Vasiliev
Designed: A.Torik

Duration: 44 minutes without intermission
Date of the premiere: 01 June 2011

(The show based on Veps folk fairy-tale for children 3-6 years old)
                     Kolobok, kolobok,
                     You have a rosy side on,
                     Through the barn you’ve been sweeped,
                     Through some bins you’ve been scraped,
                     With the sour cream you’ve been mixed,
                     And on butter you’ve been fixed…

Who is not familiar with that song?

It is a funny and waggish show created on motives of lovely fairy tale “Kolobok”. Our Kolobok is rolling out of the yard never to return… And he meets a Hare, and a Wolf, and a Bear, and even a ridiculous Worm!

During the journey of Kolobok the attention of viewers is caught by not only the charming, witty characters, but the decorations itself made like a fascinating music box with a magic key. Turn it and the story begins… However it is not a usual story, but the one with the good ending as the all fairy-tales should be!